We invite journalists to contact us for interviews and information about the Access Campaign’s work.
Morag McKenzie
Communications Officer
Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49 30 700130511
Email: [email protected]
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MSF Access Campaign
Story by @afp in @barronsonline - @MSF Says HIV Drug Deal On Ice Over Pharma Firm's Price Secrecy📰 Read more: On our call to action to @ViiVHC to remove problematic purchasing terms blocking access to CAB-LA, a vital #HIV prevention drug: barrons.com/news/msf-says-…
18:41 - 18 Aug 2023
MSF Access Campaign
👏 Congratulations to@HealthJusticeIn for their unprecedented win in seeking disclosure of COVID-19 vaccine contracts from pharma in 🇿🇦South Africa. This win sets an important precedent for the vital need for transparency in ensuring equitable pricing to medical tools globally. twitter.com/HealthJusticeI…
17:57 - 17 Aug 2023
MSF Access Campaign

🎥 Stories by individuals like Lindokuhle & Tholakele in 🇸🇿#Eswatini highlight the importance of access to effective #HIV prevention. Reducing stigma & pill burden through #CABLA use could dramatically decrease new HIV infections. More on this thread: 🧵 twitter.com/MSF_access/sta…
16:11 - 17 Aug 2023
MSF Access Campaign
1/7 🔊 Today we urged @ViiVHC to remove problematic purchasing terms blocking access to CAB-LA, a vital #HIV prevention 💉drug. These terms threaten supply security & include a confidentiality clause on pricing akin to an NDA.#MedicinesShouldntBeALuxury msfaccess.org/msf-refuses-si…
16:09 - 17 Aug 2023
MSF Access Campaign

📨 @msf_access @PIH & @TAGTeam_Tweets shared a list of questions requesting clarity from @JNJNews on its recent deal on the supply of generic versions of 💊 #bedaquiline and reiterated call for non-enforcement of secondary patents on this drug msfaccess.org/open-letter-re…
16:18 - 03 Aug 2023
MSF Access Campaign
We remain concerned that this deal offers only a partial solution to the problem of access to affordable generic versions of bedaquiline, as the deal excludes many countries that have a high burden of people living with #TB. twitter.com/StopTB/status/…
15:42 - 20 Jul 2023
MSF Access Campaign
📢 Today @JNJnews’s primary patent on lifesaving #TB drug 💊#bedaquiline (Bdq) expires in India 🇮🇳We call on #JNJ not to enforce secondary patents on Bdq to allow for more affordable generic versions worldwide. msfaccess.org/msf-calls-comm…
14:30 - 18 Jul 2023
MSF Access Campaign
🚨 We again call on @gavi to waive co-financing requirements of countries w/ fragile #healthsystems to pay for #vaccines. Despite post-pandemic recovery, vax coverage lags in many countries. The goal is to reach all 'zero-dose' & underimmunised kids. msfaccess.org/gavi-must-do-m…
11:41 - 18 Jul 2023