For the first time in more than two years, text from the intellectual property chapter of the secret Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement negotiations has been leaked. Since 2010, the negotiations have been shrouded in secrecy, with none of the current 12 negotiating Pacific-rim countries releasing text or information on a trade agreement that will ultimately impact the lives of at least half a billion people.
The TPP currently includes some of the harshest provisions against access to medicines ever included in a trade agreement with developing countries, gutting public health safeguards and leaving them unable to take the steps needed to protect the lives and health of their people above the profit of multinational pharmaceutical companies.
Learn more about the TPP
Médecins Sans Frontières responds to the leaked TPP text:
"The leak of the secret text confirms that the U.S. government continues to steamroll its trading partners in the face of steadfast opposition over terms that will severely restrict access to affordable medicines for millions of people. The U.S. is refusing to back down from dangerous provisions that will impede timely access to affordable medicines.
It’s encouraging to see that some governments, including Canada, Chile, New Zealand, Malaysia and Singapore, are pushing back against some aspects of the U.S. position with their own proposal that better protects access to medicines; what is troubling is that the text also shows that some countries are willing to give in to the U.S. government’s damaging demands. We urge countries to stand strong to ensure that the harmful terms are removed before this deal is finalised.”
- Judit Rius Sanjuan, U.S. Manager MSF Access Campaign.