We are marking World AIDS Day 2016 with stories from Myanmar and Zimbabwe.
Adolescents wtih HIV: Don't let them slip away
In Myanmar, adolescents make up around 5 per cent of our total HIV cohort of nearly 35,000 people.
A decade later in Epworth, life grows
In the ten years since the HIV program began in Epworth, Zimbabwe, HIV prevalence has reduced from over 30 per cent at its peak, to 15 per cent, and today over 1,000 HIV positive patients have formed support groups in the community.
Surviving HIV in Zimbabwe
Photo story.
For HIV, only half the job is done
While 18.2 million people living with HIV are receiving antiretroviral treatment (ART), a further 18 million living with the disease are not. With 1.1 million HIV-related deaths, and 2.1 million new infections in 2015, the end of AIDS is not in sight.